
Air transport is, by far, the most popular choice because it is quick, inexpensive and convenient compared with some of the other options. We have never had a problem with our puppies in air transport because we make sure they are ready to fly before we put them on the plane. We will work with you to figure the best way to get your puppy to you, however, we do reserve the right to have the final say on the matter for the well-being of the puppies. In addition, we will make every effort to accurately predict your shipping costs at the time of deposit. We will tell you what flight we plan to use, and we will also give you the information for the alternate flights if there are any available.

We will email you to confirm which flight the puppy will be on. We are very active in making sure your puppy arrives safely. We will always provide you with all the information you will need about your puppy’s arrival, including flight times, numbers, and where you will pick up for flights.

A deposit is your guarantee that we will not place the puppy of your choice with someone else. A deposit also serves as our guarantee that you will be purchasing the puppy specified. A deposit will reserve your puppy. Flight arrangements will be made by us.

You are on your way to be a new pet owner! If you are interested and wish to reserve a puppy then the first thing to do is to email us with the name of the puppy you wish to reserve. You will have to provide us your full name, address, phone number. If we are to ship the puppy, we will need to know the name of the major airport you wish to use. Thank you